Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Book Title: The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a fabulous philosophical tale that in 1943 made the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery famous throughout the world. At one time, the book became a bestseller and was sold in 200 million copies worldwide. To date, it has been translated into 301 languages.

The story is based on a gripping story about a boy – the Little Prince, who decided to leave his home to see how other people live. The Little Prince lived on the asteroid B-612 and was engaged in everyday affairs there: he watched three volcanoes, weeded out weeds, looked after the beautiful Rose. He loved Rosa, but she seemed aloof, rude and cruel to him. Soon, the Little Prince began to feel very lonely and unhappy, so he decided to go on a trip to other planets.

Traveling through neighboring asteroids, the Little Prince meets rather strange people who live alone: ​​the King, the Ambitious, the Drunkard, the Business Man, the Lamplighter and the Geographer. The boy did not like all these people, they were indifferent, callous and greedy, and their life seemed to him boring, monotonous and empty.

Then the Little Prince flies to planet Earth. Unlike tiny asteroids, the Earth surprised him with its size and variety in everything. He hopes to learn a lot here. But, as it turned out later, people on Earth are not much different from those whom he met earlier. And only the Pilot, the Fox and the Snake liked the boy. The pilot, being a romantic, proved to the boy that not all adults have lost the ability to believe in miracles. Fox – taught friendship, responsibility, showed how important it is to value and protect loved ones. The Wise Snake explained that it is necessary to help each other in life, offering her help, suddenly the Little Prince wants to go back home. After a while, the boy really begins to miss his beloved Rose and his home planet, and, taking advantage of the Snake’s offer, returns home.

This book is very poignant, and will not leave indifferent both a child and an adult. Many philosophical themes are hidden in it, but, nevertheless, the main idea of ​​this story is how important, as an adult, not to lose the ability to look at life like a child, you need to enjoy simple things and be pure, naive and trusting, like Little Prince.